The left bottom space is a lab designed for Nicole Kuepper, based on her quote of saying ‘two billion people around the world have no access to reliable electricity’, in a environment natural and simple like this, only solar energy can be used, therefore gives her the opportunity to experience working in a such condition that is relevant to her experiment.
The right top end space is a lab designed for Charles Darwin, he likes explore and research about the nature. The form of his lab is more looking unstable then Nicole Kuepper’s, this idea came from Darwin’s quote of many important words that influence my design: ‘struggle for survival, earth, natural life, wild landscape, adapting themselves best to their environment.’

The space on middle bottom where it extent out from the labs and set in between of two different landforms, is where Nicole Kuepper and Charles Darwin might meet and exchange ideas.

For clients to meet up at the meeting area, they have to walk through a mountain like landform around the rocks from back of their labs to the meeting space at front. Darwin’s landform is longer than Kuepper because Darwin enjoys walking around natural and explore.

Night view with lights.

Morning view with lights.
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